Consultant in the spotlight: Mona

Dear everyone, my name is Mona, I saw the light of day in the early spring of 1968, with a powerful aria I was born, although my performance was for a select audience at that time.
I grew up as an single child with a super caring mother, but unfortunately she was unable to control me, or maybe I just had a difficult character, that's possible. In any case, around the age of 15, without my mother's knowledge, I had applied for and received exemption from manditory education. At that time, the economy flourished and I became a "job hopper", if I could learn nothing more than NEXT! I was quite a rebel, hung around with "wrong types," and actually lived without direction. This all went on and on until I got pregnant in 1991. When our son was born, I soon noticed that he was special, but it took years before the recognition came (and with it the label), ADHD/ODD. I got depressed, got Prozac and I got completely lost ... I wanted to experience everything that could be, so I started working in the erotic industry and I earned a lot of money. But of course you also learn to spend money quickly and at times I had to "buy" a good feeling, because yes, I was not entirely content.
My marriage went downhill and in 2000 I got divorced, that was a tough period, so I finally decided to follow intensive therapy, three days a week. This paid off, I became a lot more assertive, was no longer the softie. One day I went to a local pub and met a man there. Shadier than shady, but therefore extra interesting. Of course an affair started, which lasted about three years. It wasn't more than an affair, since he still lived with his children's mother and also had a girlfriend, it was a kind of "who-of-the-three". I told myself: "Oh well, I can have my cake and eat it!", Nice idea, but in reality it was a lot more sour and I was not much more than a fairground attraction. He came after work, often in the middle of the night, experienced a few wild hours, after which I lay staring at the ceiling alone and wide awake for the rest of the night. Of course this was not the life I had dreamed of as a little girl, but I had already lost my 'Barbie dreams' somewhere along the way ... on 08-08-08 it was D-day and I stopped with the live the happy life principle, so that I could still make something of my life.
In 2009 I started working in a swingers club, stood behind the bar, built a party and I felt like a fish in the water. Of course, the hospitality industry is hard, especially since I was already over forty at the time, and already had some medical complaints. In addition to work, I followed various home studies, because yes, I would not continue to do this for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, I kept this up until May 2015, and then I ended up in the hospital with extremely high infection values, both my pleural leaflets were completely inflamed, a cyst on my kidney had been discovered that seemed suspicious and I had a sinus infection. After I left the hospital, my partner at the time was "relationship tired", so I had to start again at the age of 47. At that moment I realized that you only have 1 life in the here and now, that realization has contributed to the fact that I have completely changed course, and I started working in addiction care, enough expertise! In the spring of 2016 I met my current partner. Totally contradictory to how I had lived, but really someone without prejudice, and I had finally found my "home". In the meantime I have been working as a freelancer for quite some time, and I can sincerely enjoy small things again. Regret? Mwoah, in retrospect, I should have done things differently, but let bygones... I have now reached the point where I have left the past behind me, have forgiven people, including myself and can now assist people who either have similar issues, either with other challenges, which is why connects so well with me as a person. I hope to be part of the SexPower team for a long time and I would like to welcome you!

Mona Liza Verseijden
Datum: 01-02-'20
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