If nothing changes, everything will stay the same!

A long time ago, there was something going on about Disney. Was Elsa going to be gay in part 2 of Frozen? Here's the final result.
Disney did not dare in the end and did not think it necessary to give Elsa this stamp. "Elsa is an independent, heroic woman and does not need to be accompanied by a romantic other half."
Well that's a first .. I think .. Prince Charming.
What it was all about for me were the different sounds of what people think about this. Everyone has his opinion of course. Most people think it's an exaggeration. What is this good for? Are we not overacting?
Netflix sets a very strong example. Totally against all history rules, everyone is equal. Black, White, Straight, Gay or Trans .. Diversity in most series.
I'm going to give an example of why I think this is so good. Maybe you used to play that game as a child. In which you act out situations. Like the supermarket. Paying with fake money, a cash register, everything imitated from how you saw it. We have been in a pandemic for barely 2 years now. If you are currently looking at your child, he will say during this game: “Madam, keep your distance. Please put on your face mask?”.
For the first 12 years, a child is a sponge that values everything you teach them to be true. Later in life, many people fail to engage in critical thinking in which they examine everything they have learned. Is this correct? No ... most people protect this truth that they have been taught. They get angry when this truth is attacked and some will even protect this truth with violence. The more intense / intensive the “brainwash” in these first stages of life, the stronger the need to protect this truth. What we teach our children determines how they experience life. You are good as you are. You're worth nothing. Everything different is the enemy. It takes generations to get rid of an original brainwash. You can teach people that everything else must be razed to the ground. You can also teach them that this fight is not necessary. That love is all and we can co-exist in all our differences.
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Datum: 12-04-'21
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