Plastic fantastic?

Labia correction (Labiaplasty)
Labiaplasty is a cosmetic genital surgical procedure that will reduce the size or change the shape of the small lips on the outside of the vagina (the labia minora). Many women are born with large or irregular labia. Others develop this condition after childbirth or with aging. The appearance of the enlarged labia can cause embarrassment with a sexual partner or loss of self esteem. Some women just want to look “prettier” like the women they see in magazines or in films. (Text: Dr. Ronald Blatt website).
Vaginal Rejuvenation
As women go through childbearing, hormonal changes and aging, they can experience changes in their genitalia. Vaginal Rejuvenation is a combined treatment of both Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty. (this type of plastic surgery is also used for sex change, male to female, usually using the scrotum to create a vagina, ed. Sexpower).
Clitoral hood reduction (in favor of pleasure)
Clitoral hood reduction is an elective procedure that serves to reduce the size and area of the clitoral hood to expose more of the clitoris itself. The goal of this procedure is to increase sexual pleasure and refine the aesthetic appearance of the vulva, thus increasing a woman’s overall sexual health. (Text: Dr. Ronald Blatt website)
Labiaplasty is a cosmetic genital surgical procedure that will reduce the size or change the shape of the small lips on the outside of the vagina (the labia minora). Many women are born with large or irregular labia. Others develop this condition after childbirth or with aging. The appearance of the enlarged labia can cause embarrassment with a sexual partner or loss of self esteem. Some women just want to look “prettier” like the women they see in magazines or in films. (Text: Dr. Ronald Blatt website).
Vaginal Rejuvenation
As women go through childbearing, hormonal changes and aging, they can experience changes in their genitalia. Vaginal Rejuvenation is a combined treatment of both Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty. (this type of plastic surgery is also used for sex change, male to female, usually using the scrotum to create a vagina, ed. Sexpower).
Clitoral hood reduction (in favor of pleasure)
Clitoral hood reduction is an elective procedure that serves to reduce the size and area of the clitoral hood to expose more of the clitoris itself. The goal of this procedure is to increase sexual pleasure and refine the aesthetic appearance of the vulva, thus increasing a woman’s overall sexual health. (Text: Dr. Ronald Blatt website)
After childbirth the vagina is stretched and does not return to its original diameter. This condition frequently leads to decreased feelings of friction and loss of sexual satisfaction by the patient. Generally, the more vaginal deliveries, the worse the condition gets. Many women will complain of decreased sensation and sexual satisfaction during intercourse. Our surgery results in increased friction during intercourse that often enhances sexual satisfaction. (Text: website Dr. Ronald Blatt)
Hymenoplasty, or hymen repair, is a treatment for torn hymen. Repair of a torn hymen may be performed for a variety of personal reasons, including for religious or cultural conformity. More and more women are seeking Hymenoplasty, or reconstruction of the hymen, for a variety of reasons. Hymenoplasty is actually the surgical repair of the hymen, a membrane that partially closes the opening of the vagina. In many cultures and religions, an intact hymen is traditionally taken to indicate a mark of virginity. (Text: website Dr. Ronald Blatt)
MonaLisa Touchlaser treatment
Do you experience vaginal dryness, burning and painful intercourse?
This laser treatment revitalizes the cells in the vaginal tissue so that they make more collagen, an essential ingredient in vaginal cell health. The MonaLisa Touch cosmetic laser procedure is used for the treatment of vaginal atrophy, and can help women recover from genital atrophy and enjoy complete relief from symptoms they suffer from every day. (Text: website Dr. Ronald Blatt).
Acceptable or not?
It is of course up to everyone to form their own opinion on this. However, when the complaints as described above affect your daily functioning and sex life, it is sometimes a choice of two evils. Now I am personally of the opinion that if it is addressed solely from the "ideal of beauty" point of view, it may not be the smartest investment, because Dr. Ronald Blatt and other vagina surgeons come with a hefty price tag, that's no rocket science.

Mona Liza Verseijden
Datum: 05-03-'20
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