Pony play: role play or way of life?

Not many people are familiar with Pony play, even though it goes back to Roman times: The book "Metamorphoses of Apuleius" describes the story of a man who wanted to transform into a bird. When that failed miserably for him, he became a donkey. He has recorded his adventures in this transformation. Now this could have been the first form of Pony play. If we look further into history and look at the story of Aristotle and Phylis, he had to prove his love to her by allowing a bit in his mouth to allow her to "use" him as a horse. This is also where the, in my view, stigmatizing name Aristotle's perversity comes from.
At the time of slavery the slaves were used as workhorses by their often white owners. It also happened that they were put to work, including bits, and the whip was certainly not shunned!
Pony play is a fetish, which (also) occurs in the current time frame in the BDSM; this is probably due to the fact that there is often a hierarchy of dominance and submission. In this "role play" there is (at least) one person who takes on the role of horse and the others who have a "role" in this will be a rider, rider, coachman or caretaker of the horse(s). It can have a deeper meaning than just "playing a horse." Sometimes there is "auto-zoophilia" where a sexual arousal takes place by taking on the role of animal, which in the case of Pony play in particular concerns a horse-like species.
Since the outfit for Pony play is generally quite pricey and a lot of time has to be invested, because there really needs to be a training with the "horses", making it a way of life is not very easy. Certainly not if you have a "9 - to - 5 - job"! Some even have a whole Pony play "stud-farm". The trainers are, just like in the regular equestrian sport, very driven to create the most ideal horse. This can vary from stallion to show horse or from dressage horse to work horse (and everything else in between). There are trainers who also train the horses for other owners. Usually the owner is responsible for the entire care, such as food, the gear and the show preparation. If a horse is made ready for show by a caretaker, it is his or her task to ensure that the equipment, the horse and the general care are arranged down to the smallest detail.
As mentioned, there are various types of horse types. These are referred to in the jargon as "Pony boys" and "Pony girls", with show, dressage, draft and breeding horses.
With a show horse, the horse must meet certain characteristics in terms of appearance, flair and movement. You could compare it with, for example, groundwork / freedom dressage in regular equestrian sports. A dressage horse must be trained on what we see at the top of the equestrian sport, in a kür to music. On the cadence of the melody, the horse shows points, the Spanish pass and in Travers. The draft horse can be used as a workhorse as well as for a carriage or sulky. The breeding horse needs no further explanation, but in this case it is important that the horse has a great "desire to please" when it comes to mating.
To start with Pony play, most people first go to a (web) shop for equestrian sports, of course the exclusive and beautiful Pony play equipment can also be purchased at the specialized fetish shops. There we respond more to the overall picture and also sexuality is more central, which is not a must! There are various countries around the world where Pony play shows are organized. Unfortunately, the magazine that was specifically aimed at this, Equus Eroticus is no longer available online. There are, however, many videos on the internet, for example on YouTube.

Mona Liza Verseijden
Datum: 12-07-'19
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