Pubic lice

What are pubic lice?
Pubic lice (also known as platelets) are approximately 3 millimetres in size. They are very small animals that attach themselves to the hair and lay their eggs there. You can see these "nits" as very small white dots. They suck blood on people, whatever female mosquitoes do. Scratching is not wise, because you run the risk of an infection. Pubic lice is classified among STDs, but is not an STD. It is a parasite.
How are pubic lice transmitted?
Pubic lice can be transmitted through sexual contact. That is why they fall under the STDs. They can also be transmitted via contaminated clothing or via bed linen and towels. Often you can't do anything about it yourself and you get it from the person you're sleeping with. So never be ashamed of it. It is also possible that you get this through bedding from a hotel when you sleep there. Don't panic right now, fortunately it is rare. Action is required to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
Now it is true that pubic lice hardly ever occur in the Netherlands. Simply because many people shave completely from below.
You may only expect pubic lice in the pubic area because of their name. Around the penis, vagina or anus. They can also occur or all hairy parts of the body. In your armpit hair, chest hair, at your thighs or around your navel. Only on your head will they not come. The hairs on your head are a different type of hair than on the rest of your body. The lice that you can get on your head are called head lice, and are something else than pubic lice.
- How do I know if I have pubic lice?
- Itching in the places where the pubic lice are.
- Skin infections caused by scratching and red irritated skin.
- You can also sometimes find black dots in your underwear. These are lice poops.
The lice don't go away by themselves, unfortunately. They are easy to treat. Go straight to the pharmacy. Prioderm lotion is an option, or Loxazol lotion. The latter is also available in a cream. Repeat the treatment after a week to ensure that all nits are dead.
If you have had pubic lice due to sexual contact, you can also have another STD. So be sure to check well. The general practitioner is used to handling these types of cases.
Furthermore, it is wise to thoroughly clean your bedding and clothing that you had on before you started treatment. Wash them at least at 60 degrees Celsius so that everything is really gone.
Warn your partner
The person with whom you have had sex must also be warned so that it cannot be spread to others. You can do this via Do this as soon as possible so that the person with whom you have had sex also takes action for themselves, and thus can no longer infect others.
At you will find a nurse, pedagogical expert, sex therapists, sexologists and menopause experience experts.
If you want to talk about your sexual development, STDs, experiences with sex, you can come to us. We have a listening ear for your story. You may be in a situation that you're ashamed of. We can give you tips and give you a helping hand. Our consultants know what they are talking about. Everything in discretion, you can chat from your own safe environment.
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Datum: 20-11-'19
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