Reuse condoms, don't do it!

A condom is a disposable product
A condom is a disposable product. This means that they can really only be used once. Therefore, it is not the intention to wash condoms after use and reuse them afterwards. Condoms, if you use them properly, offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases and prevent pregnancies. But then you have to use them properly. If you reuse condoms, and therefore do not use them properly, they may break, leak or tear.
Why not reuse condoms?
There are plenty of reasons why reusing condoms and washing them beforehand is very unwise. Below we list some of the reasons:
• Washing doesn't help. Water and soap is not enough to kill the microorganisms from the inside of the condom.
• After washing, condoms will tear more easily.
• The fit will be wider, making it harder for the condom to go on and stay on properly.
• Reused condoms can cause infections.
• Condoms you use for safety. Reusing condoms takes away from this safety.
• A new condom is much more hygienic, practical and reliable.
Reused condoms in Vietnam
In Vietnam, a woman even made her job of washing, drying and reselling used condoms. September 2021, police found hundreds of thousands of used condoms in her apartment. She blithely told the police that she was running a "condom recycling business. Thus, she already sold 360 kilograms of reused condoms. It is not known if these used condoms really came on the market.
We definitely do not recommend reusing condoms. Don't do it! It seriously degrades the quality and safety of the condom. It can also cause serious infections. Save yourself the trouble and pain and just buy new condoms. Use it as a disposable product.
Source: This blog was taken with permission from

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Datum: 11-03-'22
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