Sex and menstruation

We women have quite a few hormonal challenges during the month. Sometimes that is fun, sometimes not at all!
Sex during menstruation: many women don’t even want to think about it, many men even less. However, it is not the case that a large number of women are labile psychopaths during menstruation. Some of them get horney!
This has some advantages:
1. Orgasms can reduce cramps and other PMS symptoms.
The substances (endorphins) that are released into your brain when you have an orgasm can cause PMS symptoms such as stress to decrease. For some people, menstrual cramps can also be reduced by an orgasm. Vaginal orgasms would be more effective than clitoral stimulation. I would take no risk and try it both. ????
2. Nothing that cannot be dissolved with soap and water.
Menstrual blood really doesn't hurt. As long as you both know you don't have an STD, there’s no problem. For women, there is a higher risk for STDs because the cervix is slightly more open when you have your period, so the chance of being infected IF the other person has an STD is greater. A condom works great against that of course. The BEPPY is also a very handy alternative. This is a sponge that serves as a tampon. You can swim with it or have sex with it. Very handy. You can order it on this site. There is even a video on how it works:
It can sometimes be a challenge to get the Beppy out again if it has been helped in depth. But just with some water you weigh the sponge and it comes down automatically. The Beppy does not prevent STDs.
3. Sex during menstruation shortens menstruation.
During sex and certainly while having an orgasm, the uterus gets an astringent effect. It can become messy. This will release extra blood. But the advantage is, the sooner you get rid of it!
30% of sexually active people just have sex if one of the two is having their period - precisely because many women are extra excited when they have their period. So if you have more (or fancy more) sex during your period, this is completely normal ...