The wonderful world of the erection pill

Medical or psychological?
First of all, it must be clearly identified whether there may be a medical or a psychological reason that causes an erection problem. In the case of a medical erection problem, a urologist will explain what is happening when asked: "Due to a narrowing and/or reduced elasticity of blood vessels, complications arise with the blood supply to the penis. The less blood flows to the penis, the less erection power ". Obviously, there are several reasons why an erection cannot easily be achieved, such as (excessive) drug use, too much alcohol, certain medication, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity. The actual list is much longer, but these are the most common "triggers". When there are psychological problems that inhibit getting an erection, the most common causes are: fear of failure (especially if it is not successful once, the fear not to succeed is great!), Change of the body, so around the penopause, feeling guilty towards a deceased partner, for example after heart surgery, to trust the body again. In short, there are many causes that could prevent you from getting an erection.
What can you do?
If there is a medical reason, it is best to discuss this with your attending physician. The physician can then refer you to a specialist and prescribe medication, as long as your body can handle it, of course, since erection pills such as Viagra and Kamagra can have quite a few side effects. The former is almost exclusively available with a doctor's prescription and can have more serious side effects than Kamagra, which is freely available, but I strongly recommend that you always discuss this with your doctor! If your erection problem is psychological, in that case I would initially consult a good sexologist before ordering Kamagra on the internet. Often the conversations with a sexologist can yield very good results and however you look at it, erection pills unfortunately do have side effects, from a nasty stuffy nose, nausea, headaches to reduced fertility, hearing loss and even a disturbed heart rhythm.
No erection pills?
If your general health allows it, it is no problem to take a Kamagra pill or the liquid form, the Jelly, on occasion. Keep in mind that an erection can sometimes last extremely long, and that certainly not every bed partner can continue for 4 hours until you can come. That is why it is especially important that you get rid of 'pressure to perform', hug a little more, try something from Tantra, and actively involve your partner in this, also during a possible visit to a doctor and / or sexologist.

Mona Liza Verseijden
Datum: 16-03-'20
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