Anja learns, at 40 years, sex can be good

I come from a very traditional family. Father and mother who were each other's first love, where the man earns the money and the mother does the household and feeds the children. And forgive himself for "the good thing"
I was 18 when I had my first sexual experience. Oh well, experience ... I underwent it. I didn't like it much, but it was part of a relationship. At least I thought so.
I was 18 when I had my first sexual experience. Oh well, experience ... I underwent it. I didn't like it much, but it was part of a relationship. At least I thought so.
After this experience I met my later husband. I also had sex with him. An often recurring discussion in this relationship was my lack of interest in sex. But how can you be interested in something that does nothing at all to you. I mean those 2 minutes that he lay on me, came and then always turned with his back to me to go to sleep, how can you, as a woman, be interested in that?
Nevertheless, I have held it up for almost 25 years in this way. Partly because of my upbringing, in which I saw a woman figure herself away for her husband and family and my lack of experience. I just thought it was supposed to be that way. That sex was especially fun for the man. So every 3 to 4 months, each time after the same discussion, I gave him what he asked for. Sex... but then sex the way he wanted.
After a drink evening with friends (the best, most open conversations are often while drinking a glass of wine), where sex was discussed and they looked at me with wide eyes when I told them what my sex life looked like and I didn’t like. It opened my eyes a little. On the advice of 1 of my girlfriends I bought my first vibrator. Online then, because no-way that I would really step into a store to buy a vibrator as a 40-year-old.
But that conversation was a turning point in my life. Not only because I bought my first vibrator, but even more because I got to know my own body through that vibrator and learned to enjoy my body.
The 2 minutes of sex, as I always call it, became a foreplay. I waited for him to sleep and then took my vibrator from my bedside table. And so I got my first orgasm at the age of 40!
And it didn't stop there. I was open about sex, talked about it with my friends (what happens to me now?), Talked about it with my children (sex should be fun for all parties, you should both enjoy it). The only thing I couldn't talk to was my husband. He saw no problem, only that he had too little sex. He just wanted to know "when will we do it again?"
So that first orgasm was the beginning of my revolution...
After my divorce (of which our sex life was of course one of the causes) ... wow ... then it really started. This sounds more exciting than it used to be, but on the other hand, for a woman who was not used to it, it was quite a lot.
Where it was 1 vibrator, it became 2, 3, the vibrator became a womanizer and the womanizer became a we-vibe. (If you don't know the we vibe, just google it. It is definitely recommended. A vibrator that you can use alone, that you can operate remotely or that you can use together during penetration.)
I learned every day. Also from the men who came into my life. I learned that sex was fun and really nice. That people could laugh in bed. That oral sex was wonderful to give and receive. I learned that there are very nice games for sale to do together, which invariably lead to a good sex.
The 2 minutes of sex became sex sessions of nights long, but at the same time I learned that I am not averse to a quickie either.
Date: 18-06-'19
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