Beyond the stereotype

Why do we keep doing that?
Around me I see and hear contradictory things. People sometimes feel very offended when they are given a wrong "label".
Interesting how we think. Everyone hates boxes. Generalisation. Because no one wants to be pigeonholed. The way we seem to solve that, instead of stopping the box thinking ... is to create more boxes.
There is apparently also some kind of recognition in it. If I have been given my own box, I feel better. This is how we maintain the problem.
Generalisation in itself is a very natural thing. Our brain receives so much information every second through all senses. By having a filter, we can process all these stimuli a little better.
You don't have to memorise every yellow and black beast to know that you have to pay attention. Your brain selects danger for you by generalising and not always based on truth, but simply on the basis of what you have learned and experienced. There is no other way or we wouldn't be able to respond quickly enough. It comes from a stimulus. Fear, danger, action.
In fact it is simple. Apart from all the boxes we can think of for everyone ...
We are all of the human race.
The only religion we need is love and kindness.
Just basic respect for each other's differences. A focus on what connects us.
It doesn't have to be more difficult, right?
The Dalai Lama came up with this brilliant statement: Love is the absence of judgment.
There is no need to judge or hate each other based on different views or beliefs.
That we do that comes from something very old. It's how our brain works. But after all this evolution, it may be time for us to let go of that. We clearly don't need it now and it doesn't make our world any better or cozier.
The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by the same thinking that created the situation (A. Einstein).

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Date: 28-08-'20
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