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In terms of notoriety, HIV is a known misery from the "STD family". You may already know that this is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV affects the immune system, so that the body is less able...

Herpes Genitalis

You may know the name Herpes. The official name is Herpes Genitales. This STD is caused by the Herpes Simplex virus. Herpes is a sneaky bastard because many people do not even realize that they have i...

Hepatites B

Hepatitis B? “So where is A?” is what I hear you think. Okay, in short Hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is a liver infection. This is not sexually transmitted and therefore does not fall under ...


The very name. This is a sneaky bastard. It is an STD that is caused by a bacterium that lives on and in the mucous membranes of the vagina, penis, anus and eyes. Yes, you read that right, including y...

Genital warts

Genital Warts. My autocorrect keeps turning it into "genius warts". Yes, those things are genius ... of course ... You understand that my autocorrect has a hard time with my complaining whil...


You may not know Gardenarella by name. But does Bacterial Vaginosis mean anything to you? So that's the same thing. Gardenarella (Bacterial Vaginosis) is not actually an STD but a disturbance of th...


  A difficult and controversial topic. I would like to argue with this blog to shed a different light on this phenomenon. This blog is inspired by research and findings by Dick Swa...

Chemsex & Pairs Clubs: beyond the taboo

As you may have gathered in the meantime, I do not shy away from any discussion topic, especially if I personally think it is important that more information becomes available. For example, going out ...


  Chlamydia is one of those bastards that is caused by a bacterium. This bacterium nests in the mucous membranes of your genitals. Cozy word "nests", but oh so the opposite as a bacter...

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