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Since May 2019, I have been managing an online chat platform with a number of consultants where people can anonymously ask their questions and tell their story.

How do you handle compliments?

Many people have trouble simply answering a compliment with “thank you”. How is that possible? The moment someone comes with any kind of compliment, "Gosh, I didn't realize what a bea...

The Situation of Migrant Sex Workers in the Netherlands

This report focused on the situation of migrant sex workers in the Netherlands. To carry out this report we implemented a two-step qualitative methodology.

Corona crisis reveals weaknesses in the position of sex workers

When contact professions were banned because of corona this spring, this also applied to sex workers. The Verwey-Jonker Institute investigated what this meant for the situation of sex workers in the Hart van Brabant region. How can municipalities better support sex workers in the event of another ban, and what can we learn from this corona crisis about the position of sex workers in the long term?

Sexpower LIVE episode 9 - Fetishes

This episode we talk about Fetishes. What is a fetish? Do you have one? What types of fetishes are there and does you partner agree with your fetishes? Join us in the conversation (in the comments below) and let us know about your fetishes! For anonymous chat and help, visit us at www.SexPower.online


Stealthing is forced unsafe sex. Sex itself is voluntary, but only on condition of the use of a condom. When the male partner removes the condom without the consent and/or knowledge of his sex partner, you speak of forced unsafe sex.

Sexpower LIVE episode 8 - I am gay (coming out Part I)

This episode we talk about being Gay and coming out. Is coming out as difficult as it sounds? Do you know what to expect from parents, family and friends? What type of "Gay" are you? Tips from someone with experience...

Prostitution ban?

I am dumbfounded. Paid sex is outdated, says the CDA. The party thinks it should be banned.

Swallow or not?

You get it. Today's subject is blowjobs. Do you or do you not? Cum in your mouth? And do you swallow? Let me start by saying that nothing is necessary. If you don't like it, you just don't like it. If you do it without a condom, it is unsafe sex, where you can contract an STD. So watch out for these risks. If you do it with a condom, a flavoured one is very nice.

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