Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) means that a person suffers a lot from thoughts about appearance that are unstoppable or hard to stop. You don't like yourself or a certain part of your body. This "imperfection" is either imagined or greatly exaggerated.
More and more very young people are coming online to our chat with fears about whether they are ever going to get into a relationship because they are not perfect. This also has a very negative impact on their sex life. If you are only concerned with how you look to the other person, your insecurity is going to dominate during sex. That's not going to make it any more fun.
• you are always afraid that others will reject you because of the conscious body characteristics;
• you are constantly preoccupied with the belief that there is something wrong with a certain part of your body, for no reason;
• you are obsessive and have compulsive thoughts;
• you are anxious in social situations or you avoid them;
• you suffer from the above symptoms that cause you to do less, reduce social activities, may become gloomy, spend a lot of time on appearance or seek cosmetic surgery (plastic surgery) for it.
If you recognize this and want to chat about this, you can reach me through our chat on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday between 7am and 10pm.
Love Daisy

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Date: 20-04-'22
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