Consultant in the spotlight: Daisy

Hello everyone!
My name is Daisy and I am the proud owner of! This is a chat site that guides people in their path to self-acceptance. My wish is that people are happy with who they are. This requires self-acceptance, but always the acceptance of society. This website is therefore busy in the broadest sense to break through all kinds of taboos. How I came to this has actually been a long process.
As long as I know I have always felt like an outsider. I was a grey mouse at school. More concerned with animals than with people. I wore my own made clothes and looking back I can see why I was bullied at the time. Not that my being different speaks well to the behaviour of others. That is not the point. People react to what is different. It is a fear of them especially, more than a rejection to me of the time. That's how I see it now. Certainly that is why I am so eager to commit myself to everyone who feels "different".
My big eye opener. The point that made me decide that it was more important to live my life instead of the way others think it is "normal".
I had to deal with a number of deaths in a short time. From cancer to suicide and even murder. All people around my age. I was 21 at the time. The murder of my colleague by her ex has given the final blow to my choices, but the process before that was perhaps just as important. I worked at a shoe store around the age of 20 as an assistant business manager. My mission of the day was that the store was tidy at the end of such a day. Shoes all with the nose to the right, lace-up. My nightmare, really. That this was it until my 60th birthday. So I complained loudly. A woman was walking down the corridor where I was working. And I told her, almost 6 pm, we can almost go home again. She said to me "Be careful about the time you wish is gone. I am terminal, and would have liked to have had that time". That was really such a slap in my face. I was immediately "awake". I was not yet ready to take the big steps towards change, but started on a different path. I have never forgotten that statement again. I changed jobs. Again not what I really wanted, but I also really didn't know what I wanted. Nothing seemed to be good for me. Here I got to know Sandra who had to familiarise me with the work. A few weeks later, she and her new boyfriend were killed by her ex. Then I was done with it.
I did not know what and how, but I did know: I will not live my life for the sake of others. Who knows how little time I have left? I booked a ticket to Miami, without a goal, without a hotel. Only a ticket. There I came into contact with pole dancing as a sport. I did gymnastics as a child. In my opinion everything suddenly fell into place. I learned what I could do there. Far beyond my physical limits. My muscles torn, my legs black and blue. But I had enough basis to start my own pole dance school once back in the Netherlands (
Until a woman crossed my path. She was in her mid-30s and told me that she had never had an orgasm. Her frustration about this, the disbelief of her that other women would experience this, or that it was not all just nonsense shocked me very much. I had trained women for 10 years to find their femininity and primal strength. So this wasn't going to happen. Not on my watch. I was determined to resolve this for her. The regular methods that were known to me did not work. So I realized that I lacked knowledge. I went on to do a HBO sexology course purely for her. A whole new world opened up for me. I suddenly thought ... How did I miss this? Sexuality, femininity, empowerment and self-acceptance are the common thread of my life. I have always been interested in sexual energy. I have always been fascinated by all the differences in preferences and people.
Sexuality is an infinite subject. It's about the transsexual trying to find himself. Dealing with the environment and society. From fetish to loverboys, sex work and vaginism. It is endless. It is a subject where there is always new information. There is always more to learn, study and research. Just when you think you are getting it, someone comes your way and shows you a subject in a totally new light.
Nothing as beautiful as the psyche of humans. Nothing as beautiful as a happy person. Because that is what it comes down to. I believe that people can only be good to each other and the world if their energy is not devoted to inner conflicts. So inspiring people and putting them back in their strength is how I hope to make the world a little better.
My mission statement is that I inspire people to get the best out of themselves.
Often based on my own motto. I refuse to make choices based on fears. So with every choice I make, I make the decision, does this bring me closer to my dreams and happiness? Or is it safe and familiar, and do I just dare not make the change?
According to Nelson Mandela: "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears".

Daisy Jacobs
Date: 18-12-'19
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