
You may not know Gardenarella by name. But does Bacterial Vaginosis mean anything to you? So that's the same thing.
Gardenarella (Bacterial Vaginosis) is not actually an STD but a disturbance of the bacterial balance in the vagina. It has to do with the acidity of the vagina.
The balance is disturbed in certain circumstances. For example when you wash your vagina with soap or a tampon is too long. This gives bacteria the opportunity to grow excessively. And that's of course not good.
Bacteria belong in your body and as long as everything is in balance you are healthy and without complaints. But having no complaints does not always mean that you are healthy. You can have Gardenarella without it bothering you.
How do you recognize Gardenarella?
If you do suffer from it then you can have the following symptoms:
- Gray-colored vaginal discharge that smells acidic or fishy
- Itching and redness of the vagina
A condom offers protection but not optimal because you can get Gardenarella even without sexual contact.
Pay particular attention to changing a tampon on time. Let it sit for MAXIMUM 4 hours. Simply wash your vagina with water. So lady’s: no soap there! Not even because the soap just smells so good and your vagina ... uh .. just does not.

Miranda de Ruyter
Date: 14-04-'19
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