HPV – Human Papilloma Virus

What is HPV?
HPV is the abbreviation for human papillomavirus. The virus can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. It can also cause cancer of the penis, anus, mouth and throat. You get HPV human papillomavirus through sexual acts. Almost everyone gets an HPV infection at some point, men and women. And almost always the body clears this virus itself.
Around the age of 21 I decided to have a Pap smear made, because I was very curious. To my great shock, the results were "you don't have abnormal cells, but you do have the hpv virus".
How did I get this, I was supposed to be protected? How did I get rid of it? The doctor indicated that the body usually clears this up on its own and that I could come back in 6 months for another smear test.
It just kept gnawing at me, I just had to wait? What if the HPV didn't go away and I still got abnormal cells? I couldn't leave it at that and decided on my own to investigate what can I do so that the virus would clear up. My search yielded many results and I started experimenting.
First I started with a good vitamin C liposomal. I also took Indole-3-carbinol, this is a natural substance that is extracted from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. In addition, I read many positive experiences about Cydonia Ravensara Vaginal Tablets, this is a natural product especially for the vagina. I ordered 3 packs and after my period I had to insert a suppository every night for 30 days. Finally I also tried 'elfenbankje', this is a mushroom species. This has actually been researched and the results were promising.
I did all this for 6 months. Then I was allowed to come back for another Pap smear. Nerves raced through my body. A week later the news came... the HPV virus was completely gone!
I don't know if this will really help everyone, but I wanted to share my experience and that I believe in the fact that you can do a lot for your own health.
Written by an anonymous chatter

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Date: 03-09-'21
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