Make your own pocket pussy? The 3 best ways!

Method 1: Making pocket pussy with towel
A quick and easy way to make a fake vagina is with the use of a towel.
What do I need?
• A towel
• A latex glove
• Rubber bands or a belt
• Water based lubricant
Step-by-step plan
• Fold the towel in half so that the four ends are connected.
• Place the latex on the towel with the opening of the glove sticking out.
• Roll the towel around the glove
• Fold the end of the glove over the towel
• Then put rubber bands around the towel to adjust it for tightness. You can also use a belt for this
• Then put enough water-based lube in the end and you're done!
Method 2: Making pocket pussy with toilet roll
The most inexpensive option for making a pocket pussy is using a toilet roll.
What do I need?
• A roll of toilet paper
• Latex gloves
• Rubber bands
• Water based lubricant
Step-by-step plan for making a fake vagina with a toilet roll
• Remove the piece of cardboard from the toilet roll
• Place the latex glove through the hole and fold the end around the roll
• Secure the latex glove with rubber bands
• Fill the pocket pussy with enough lube and you're good to go.
Method 3: Make fake vagina with a Pringles canister
Making a pocket pussy with a Pringles canister is qualitatively the best option. This will get you the closest to an experience of a real vagina. A good tip here is to use really soft sponges and not those rock-hard ones. Otherwise you make a kind of penis sandpaper tube. You can also warm the sponges with warm water. This will bring the fake vagina up to 'body temperature'.
What are the supplies?
• An empty Pringles canister
• Two soft sponges
• Rubber bands
• Water-based lubricant
Step-by-step plan
• Completely empty and clean the Pringles canister.
• Place the latex glove between the two soft sponges. To make the sensation extra fine and realistic you can warm the sponges with warm water.
• Push the two soft sponges with the latex glove in between into the Pringles canister
• Pull the end of the latex glove around the edge of the Pringles canister
• Secure with rubber bands or something else like duct tape
• Then add enough lube and you've made a perfect pocket pussy
Water-based lubricant is essential!
With all of these options for making a pocket pussy, water-based lubricant is crucial. If you won't do this, you will have a tremendously stiff experience. A completely dry vagina is not going to be anything so neither is a completely dry fake vagina! The lube must be water-based because oil-based lube causes the quality of the latex to deteriorate. This can cause the latex glove to tear and that's not a success either. So making a pocket pussy is not difficult at all. Of the three options, there is bound to be a method among them that works for you. Good luck with it!
Source: This blog was taken with permission from

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Datum: 18-03-'22
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