Pubic lice

You have probably already heard of pubic lice. Pubic lice are approximately 2 millimetres and are grey to light brown in colour. They are small beads that attach themselves to the hair and lay their eggs (called nits) there. These nits are only very small white dots.
Pubic lice are mainly transmitted through sexual contact. That is why they fall under the STDs. But they can also be transmitted via contaminated clothing or via bed linen and towels.
You probably only expect pubic lice in the pubic area around the penis or vagina. But ... I want to get rid of that myth immediately. Pubic lice can occur on all hairy parts of the body. So also on your arms and legs. Yes, yes... But oh well, we thought they were dirty anyway.
Only on your head will they not come. The hairs on your head are a different type of hair than on the rest of your body. The lice that you can get on your head are a bit different than pubic lice.
How do I know if I have pubic lice or crabs?
I have already described how you can recognize the lice and nits, but you can also really suffer from these small bugs. Complaints can be:
- Itching where the lice are
- Skin infections caused by scratching and red irritated skin
The lice do not go away on their own. Unfortunately. They are easy to treat. Go see your doctor to make sure you get the right remedies.
If you have suffered pubic lice from sexual contact, you can also have another STD. So be sure to check well. You are there any way for treatment of the Pubic Lice so it is embarrassing. Better sse it through than take it for granted.
Furthermore, it is wise to properly clean your bedding and clothing, but also the floor covering and fabric furniture must be cleaned properly.
Of course you are not hoping for these bugs and for cleaning your entire household. I understand. That is why you naturally want to prevent you from getting any Pubic Lice at all. Unfortunately, a condom offers no protection. It also doesn't help to shave completely "down under". So you can't really do anything. Sorry...
In the event of infection, immediately notify your (bed) partner to prevent it from passing it on again.

Miranda de Ruyter
Datum: 20-04-'19
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