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Sex workers' corona questions

The coronavirus has a huge impact, both in the health of sex workers and customers, and in terms of finances. This blog tries to answer a number of questions. Much is still unclear about the government's financial measures. What is explained here is the current state of affairs in the Netherlands.

The sex work and Corona help guide in 3 languages:

A survey in 3 languages:

Can I work during Corona?
Transmission of corona during sex between two healthy people is small. To stop corona it is wise to limit social contact as much as possible. So: sex with your partner who lives in your house (without complaints) is fine, but… 'outdoors' it is better to limit the sex if you want to cooperate in damming corona.

That means:
  • Don't go to sauna clubs, sex clubs, gangbangs and other or sex related situations with multiple people (any longer)
  • Stay at home if you have mild symptoms, a sore throat, a cold, or a fever up to 38 degrees - do not work as a sex worker and do not visit sex workers.
(Source: SOA AIDS)
Very creative and witty. But, it's false security. Even if you stay with the muzzles at 1.5 meters during certain positions.
  • with a sneeze or cough there is a cloud of aerol with virus particles. They really go "around the corner"
  • virus particles will be on the hands of someone with corona, even if there are no complaints yet
  • after washing hands they come back on every wipe along your nose or mouth, your face or face, the other person's hands
  • and those virus particles end up on your partner (s), or on yourself. Hands simply play a major role during sex, including transfer.
If you do have sex with someone other than your roommate (read partner) and that person has no complaints, the best advice is:
Wash your hands and enjoy it !!

Can I get financial support?
As a sex worker you are certainly also entitled to financial support. You will find information in our previous blog and an overview of the measures on the SekswerkExpertise site.

What is Opting-in?
Sex work often uses opting-in. Here is a short explanation.
With opting-in the case is not employment, but assignment. The client (operator) withholds taxes and premiums for the contractor (sex worker) and remits them to the tax authorities. In that respect, the assignment is equivalent to a regular employment. Before the assignment starts, the client and the contractor must complete a form together.

Opting-in is compulsory for sex workers who work in a sex club, massage parlor, private house, sauna or an escort service. This group may not work as an independent entrepreneur (self-employed person) in this setting.

Which conditions must opting-in meet?
The choice of opting-in or regular employment is for the operator to make, not the sex worker. The sex worker becomes a pseudo self-employed person with a fictitious employment in the tax sense. The sex worker must complete and sign the above form together with the operator. The operator must also sign an agreement with the tax authorities regarding compliance with the conditions. The conditions do not apply to other work that the sex workers may also do (for example cleaning work or bar services) or to other employees in the company.

The conditions in brief:
  • The sex workers themselves determine when they work, whether they accept customers and actions, which clothing they wear, whether they want to drink alcohol, who guides them medically and when they receive their (net) income from the operator;
  • Agreements about the sexworker's income must be recorded in writing. With each payment, the operator must provide a written overview and an annual statement. Reimbursement for extra work, not previously agreed with the client, must be paid entirely to the sex worker;
  • The operator may not commit to other work, prohibit working for other operators, impose fines and comply with Privacy regulations (for example, no contact without written agreement);
  • The operator must provide (written) information about the conditions to the sex workers.
If the operator does not comply with the conditions, the tax authorities assume that the sex workers are in paid employment. The tax authorities check whether the operator complies with the conditions. The actual circumstances are decisive.

You can discuss your questions and concerns here on this site with our consultants, but you can also call or email our SEKSWORKS support group for and by sex workers who stand for position strengthening and destigmatization: seksworks@tilburg.nl or +31 634 659 777
There is also the Prostitution Social Work Heart of Brabant (Sterkhuis.nl): pmw@sterkhuis.nl or +31 658 983 593


Datum: 02-04-'20

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