Sexworker Esther

Around the age of 21, when the Netherlands moved from the guilder to the euro, I decided that I would finally take the step. I had been fantasizing about it since the moment I got to know the concept of sex. Not that I ever understood why ... I just felt that I must have done it before I started to regret that I had never tried it. I wanted to be a sex worker. Maybe a day or a month, maybe for years. I did not know that. I just wanted me to never regret not having done it.
This step has a lot of prejudices. No, I had nothing to do with loverboys. No, I had not had a terrible or worthless childhood. No, I had no drug addiction and I never got it. No, I didn't have huge debts. I had a good time and a good job. This part of me just kept pulling. Doing something that wasn't allowed.
How did I end up in the sex industry? Via the golden guide. The sex advice in the Telegraaf always caught my attention. However, when I wanted to make the step, I only had a phone book and a golden guide in front of me. I called the first private house that was within my reach by public transport.
Miraculously, I was immediately accepted at the first interview. I was completely enthusiastic! I had no idea that you would be hired rather quickly in this industry. The rate was 30 euros for half an hour. Now I think, my god, what was I thinking! But then, with my naive young head, a euro per minute really seemed like a pile of money. At the time I did not realize that I was going to have to pay the tax for it. No pension accrual, no holiday pay or sick days. No days off. The luxury of every freelancer. I didn't know enough about this during my start. I also clearly knew too little about STDs, etc. Where the risks are. But hey, damage and shame make people wise. But this is indeed where a sex workers starter training course may occur. After all, it is a legal profession.
It sounds so intense. Sell your body. But I have always found such a nonsensical statement. You rent out your time, just like any other service provider. No one buys your body. If you are in the right safe conditions, like me, no is just no.
In the meantime, for fun, I do dinner dates a few times a week at a considerably higher rate. I just find it really exciting, still. The piece of double life has 2 sides. It is exciting to do something that is not socially acceptable. But it is equally difficult not to be accepted for who you are, to always lie to your loved ones. Fortunately, I am blessed with friends who know exactly what I do. Who like to listen to my experiences.
The profession is fun, exciting and sometimes not. Like any job. I meet many different people with different preferences. I also sometimes have to deal with aggression. But certainly not more often than the average train conductor at NS.
I'm just a tax-paying person, who loves her job, and sometimes less. Just like any other Dutch person. I'd die of boredom in any other profession.
Date: 17-06-'19
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