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Transference Focused Psychotherapie (TFP)

This form of therapy is used, with good results, with people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), among others, since trust in people (and whether they stay in their lives) plays a crucial role. It's extremely important that there is a very good relationship of trust between therapist and client. This intensive, often longer-lasting treatment, in which 45-minute sessions are started twice a week, is based on the principle that the problems that have developed in earlier relationships are relived again with the therapist. After that, work can be done to understand this, which can lead to a change in this behavior.

For whom?
When there is self-destructive behavior in daily life, such as substance use, neglect and when there are serious psychological complaints, the therapist will first discuss the behavior and (if applicable) factors in relationship (s) of the client, such as abuse. By giving comments that can provide support and that try to decrease the (self) destructive behavior and / or the client recognizes the importance of stepping out of the destructive relationship(s).

Does it work?
Unfortunately, clients who have been in the care system for some time often have the experience that the trust between therapist and client falls short. A lot of changes of care providers ensure that the feeling that the client has ("you see people cannot be trusted") is only confirmed. Fortunately, people increasingly see that better results are achieved with long-term therapist/client relationships.

And the result?
The aim of the treatment is to realize that there is no "good" without "bad", and that black and white thinking is broken and this makes the thoughts and feelings more bearable and bring them closer together. After this therapy, conflicts on the work floor as well as in relationships subside, leaving more room to put things into perspective.

Where should I register?
TFP is reimbursed from the basic health insurance, but keep in mind that the "own risk" is initially used! In order to qualify for Transference Focused Therapy, you must have a referral from your general practitioner. This form of therapy should certainly not be underestimated, the results are extremely good, but it can sometimes take two to three years. It is therefore important that if you want to go for this, you try to complete the ride and, although it takes some getting used to that ready-made solutions are not offered, you learn to deal with expectations in a different, more realistic way. You will notice a positive change in your way of responding to difficult situations. Clear agreements are also made if there may be external factors that could interfere with this treatment and that it becomes clear how you will handle these. The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself, your development and your mental state. Afterwards you will have a different view way of life, so you can handle additional complaints, but also conflicts better.

Mona Liza Verseijden

Date: 01-02-'20

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