You can also write to us, and we will answer too! We are talking about email consultation. What exactly is that? You click on the email consultation button with the consultant of your choice. Then you come to a screen where you can type your question or story. You can also add files if you want. Then you send it and it's done. An email consultation costs 25 credits and will be answered within 48 hours.
Suppose you send me a consultation email . That could be a question, or maybe you just want to tell your story. As extensive as you want. This e-mail arrives securely to me and I take the time to answer it. The great thing about it is that I can think about it calmly. I'll also take the time to check if I have to so that I can give you a very complete answer. I also really enjoy doing for clients. Of course you can write multiple emails.
An email is very nice for you. In any case, you will have your question and answer in black and white and you can always read it again. But it is also very useful when your favorite consultant is offline or already in a conversation. This way you do not have to keep an eye on the website in the hope that you will find that specific consultant online and also available. And if you don't like to chat, writing an email may also appeal to you more. I have email contact with several clients and it often feels like writing old-fashioned letters. Much quieter. I have a very nice email contact with several people.
An email consultation is especially suitable for clearly formulated questions. Interactive questioning is more difficult here, the chat is more suitable for that. You can of course always drop by the chat after an email consultation. I have clients who only email, but who also do both, all good.
Does it appeal to you? Then send me an email via an email consultation. I look forward to it!
With love,

Date: 23-04-'21
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