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What to do with genital herpes?

Genital Herpes is totally unknown to most people. It is difficult to prevent and certainly not to cure. More than 417 million people on this planet have this type of Herpes. Just about the most silent topic. Hence this post for those who can benefit from it.

This is advice without medical support!


This information comes from the practical experience of our chatters and from experiences and research from a complementary angle. Unfortunately, (genital) herpes is very common. There is little that can be done about it. 

These tips have worked well for various people:

Lysine is an essential amino acid that your body cannot make on its own. You will need to get what you need from your daily diet. Your body uses it for the production of enzymes, hormones and antibodies and for the production of bone and collagen. The most striking property of lysine is its activity against viral infections in general. We are talking about herpes infections such as cold sores or shingles and about viral plagues such as warts.


Risk for decreased lysine activity

• Vegetarians and vegans often have a lysine deficiency, simply because this amino acid is underrepresented in the proteins from grains.

• Deficiencies in cofactors. The conversion of lysine is dependent on many nutrients, including vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin C and iron.

• Parasitic infections. The need for lysine is then estimated to be 20% higher.

• Too much of the essential amino acid arginine. Herpes viruses use the amino acid arginine as a breeding ground to multiply.


Balance between both amino acids

Lysine and arginine compete with each other for absorption in the intestinal tract: they use the same transport protein. If there is an excess of lysine, it will reduce the absorption of arginine and vice versa. Unilateral nutrition can then cause an imbalance. It is good to know that the ratio between arginine and lysine is more important than the absolute amount of arginine in your diet. If there is a lysine deficiency, eat more lysine-rich food, which compensates for eating nuts (rich in arginine).


Which foods are rich in lysine?

• Mackerel, tuna, sole, cod, trout, salmon, halibut, crustaceans and shellfish

• Beef, lamb, mutton and chicken

• Eggs, milk, yogurt (especially goat's dairy)

• Apples, pears, peaches, apricots, citrus fruits, mango, dates, figs

• Bean sprouts, avocado, shallots, carrots, cabbages, cauliflower, green beans, spinach, lamb's lettuce and parsley

• Amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, wild rice, and millet.

Which foods are rich in arginine?

• All nuts and seeds, especially peanuts, almonds, cashews, sesame seeds and coconut

• Soybeans, lentils, beans

• Bananas, grapes, raisins, oranges, blueberries, strawberries

• Onions, garlic, beets, kohlrabi, radish, celery, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, alfalfa, mushrooms

• Whole grains such as wheat and oats

• Chocolate, carob, cocoa

• Caffeine

Source: Pien Rothuizen

Treatment of an acute/active viral infection (such as herpes);

• ENGYSTOL Let 2 tablets melt in your mouth every hour you are awake for 3 days dagen

• Let LYMPHOMYOSOT 3 days 4 times a day 2 tablets melt in the mouth (morning, afternoon, evening, before going to bed)

• Spray EUPHORBIUM spray directly on the blisters (is actually a nasal spray....)


This is in the acute phase and if it is also painful


Follows after an acute phase

• Take Engystol and lymphomyosot together 3 to 4 times a day for at least 3 weeks

Final phase and to really clean everything up:

• The Trias cure for at least 6 weeks





This is a good thing for everyone to do, it has a purifying effect on tissues, kidneys and liver.


This information is advice that is not based on proven scientific regular research, but from experiences and research from a complementary angle. This is advice without medical support.


Here you find an anonymous story of a 35 year old lady who regularly visits the Sexpower chat. She was kind enough to share this experience with you. Herpes is a topic that people like to scroll past as quickly as possible. She, too, always thought "that won't happen to me". Chlamydia as an STD is quite well known. It can also often be remedied with a piece or 4 pills. However, Genital Herpes is totally unknown to most people. It is difficult to prevent and certainly not to cure. More than 417 million people on this planet have this type of Herpes. Our writer takes you through her practical tips and tricks around this challenge.

In this blog you can read her story.


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Date: 23-07-'21

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