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Why does the Sexpower foundation work for sex workers?

Crime often only revolves around a few things: Money and power. These two things are often also closely linked. We are convinced that as soon as you criminalize something, you drive up prices and strengthen the illegal circuit instead of closing it. This also applies to sex work.

Sex work is not always all about violence, exploitation and human trafficking. The proposition that paid sex is by definition involuntary sex, because the sex worker in question would not have chosen the client for sex if he had not paid, can also be viewed from several angles. How many people do you know who will go to work tomorrow if their boss decides not to pay anymore? If human trafficking takes place on a mushroom farm, this crime is tackled. There will be no ban on the cultivation of mushrooms.

Work is work, and provided sex work is a free choice, there are large numbers of sex workers who are happy to do this.
Some people find it very arousing and exciting to have sex with a stranger. Other sex workers make the conscious choice, instead of taking 2 low-paying jobs, 1 well-paying job, so that there is more time to invest in their family, for example. There are a lot of really nice reasons to do sex work. The excitement of not knowing how your day will go. What kind of people you will meet and their preferences or reasons for visiting you are reasons for many sex workers to keep doing their job. Make yourself beautiful and dress like the kinkiest or sexiest version or fantasy of yourself. The role played by a sex worker certainly does not have to be experienced as negative. Just as positive. Moreover, the choice to do the work is free and up to them.

Visiting sex workers also often has many different reasons. One person thinks it is arousing and exciting, the other is extremely shy and just wants to gain some experience. Some people just don't have a (physical) relationship. Due to a disability, for example, but the list is endless.

The idea that sex work facilitates cheating or is merely exploitative and involuntary is really outdated. The discussion about whether paid sex is good or bad has a lot to do with your personal beliefs, perspectives, or experiences. It is understandable that everyone views this differently. However, restricting this freedom of opinion or experience by law does not seem to us the intention.

At the Sexpower foundation we think there are more solutions to offer erotic entrepreneurs, our sexual care providers, safety.

Take the money out. Make it possible for sex workers to hire safely and cheaply without getting into trouble. A not-for-profit operator aims to provide fair and balanced pay with facilities that protect and support the sex worker. An “intermediary” is then no longer necessary.

In addition, it is important that attitudes change in society and politics. It takes real understanding and an honest and open minded (self) examination to understand why a sex worker chooses to enter this profession and what clients need to use these services. If sex workers and their clients do not necessarily have to be ashamed and hide themselves, their actions can also be openly monitored for abuses. Then there is little left for the human trafficker to do.

The Sexpower foundation focuses on these solutions. On the one hand by creating non-profit brothels and on the other by providing education and information.

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Daisy Jacobs ♦ sex therapist & coach

Looking for a pleasant chat on any subject, for advice or encouraging support?Read more about my motivations and specializations in my profile.See you soon!

Datum: 08-02-'21

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