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Sexpower LIVE episode 11 - Homophobia

This episode we talk about homophobia. Where does it come from? Is homophobia a fear of your own sexual orientation, or is it something that is taught during your upbringing? We'll talk about it all!


Today I want to talk about a side of Sexpower you may not know yet. You know you can chat with us, but we can do more! It has many advantages... also very useful for when you find chatting just a little too exciting.

If nothing changes, everything will stay the same!

It's that simple. Yesterday I had a zoom about Homophobia with Team Sexpower. Here experiences were shared about what the LGBTQI community has to deal with. Stories that seem so unfair to me linger in my head for a long time. My heart can't understand how people can be so hard on another. However, my mind has read enough to get it just fine.

1 year in lockdown ... let's play a game?

You have a partner and after a year (a year !!) sitting indoors together you sometimes get fed up with each other. What can you do? Yes, go for a stroll, sit in a separate room, you know it. But there is also another solution. What's that? A role play! Supposedly meet another man or woman and indulge in your fantasy. And that really doesn't have to be complete with outfit and beautiful dialogues. Nothing is mandatory, everything is allowed. Thinking up a whole scenario and then executing it again is just a little too much for many at once. However, sexy role play doesn't have to be such a hassle at all. Give it a try with these tips.

Sexpower LIVE episode 10 - Sex workers, Ex workers!

The all new Sexpower LIVE! From now on in ZOOM. This time the topic is "Sexworkers, Ex-Workers!". We'll talk about how things are for sexworkers and how they are treated during the corona epidemic by our government. We are talking live to sexworkers who fell between ship and shore when they needed help from the government.

Impotent or just human?

Impotence is actually an outdated term. Usually the term erectile dysfunction is now used. Impotence was also used incorrectly for other problems, such as coming too early or a low libido. In addition, there is quite a negative connotation to the term "impotence", it sounds quite derogatory.

Why does the Sexpower foundation work for sex workers?

Crime often only revolves around a few things: Money and power. These two things are often also closely linked. We are convinced that as soon as you criminalize something, you drive up prices and strengthen the illegal circuit instead of closing it. This also applies to sex work.

KLAPJES the best site for the FemDom enthusiast!

Klapjes was set up by a real enthusiast/sub in 2010 because there was no blog site for submissive men who could drink photos and info about Dominant Women. There were communities/forums, but you were expected to actively participate. And professional Mistresses did not really show themselves there. Klapjes was, and is, a site where men can "suck", and know which Mistress receives where and when. Most Klapjes visitors are inexperienced and on this site are introduced to the topics their misunderstood feelings are about.


You are in bed, your eyes are still sleepy when you wake up. It is still dark outside and you can hear the wind howling outside. If you put one foot outside the covers, you will soon notice that the winter weather can be felt right in the bedroom. It gives you shivers. Your movements woke up someone else in your bed, who was still asleep lightly. With a big yawn, he comes closer to you and gives you a warm hug. As he lies against you, his warm breath reaches your ear as he exhales. The sensation of it gives you shivers, but these are completely different shivers, and it makes you feel like it… Even in winter it manages to get hot, read along!

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