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The To Say List

I think we all know that communication is essential for every relationship. The question is more often the how, than the why in this. Perhaps that is also the essence of our SexPower site. Intellectu...

Sex during menopause

Menopause is little talked about. It doesn't exist, don't whine, just do it. Sex in menopause is not talked about at all. That's a missed opportunity, because there are questions you'd like to have answered.

Pony play: role play or way of life?

Not many people are familiar with Pony play, even though it goes back to Roman times: The book "Metamorphoses of Apuleius" describes the story of a man who wanted to transform into a bird. W...

Getting aroused by feet - foot fetishism

Of all forms of fetishism, that of the feet is probably the best known that exists. Despite the fact that it is a fetish that objectively falls under the "label" paraphilia (sexual fantasies...

Slave Wil: "I am not useless because I have different preferences than others"

Even in my younger years I enjoyed being at the forefront of everything. People soon began to see me as a leader and I enjoyed quite a bit of fame. I never had to complain about women's attention...

How do we keep our children out of the clutches of loverboys?

The word "lover boy" quickly paints people a picture of a dangerous looking young man (preferably of foreign descent).

Orgasms against the pain

From my early childhood I had not been lucky; my biological father turned out to be a "guest worker", as it was then called, who wanted to take the lusts but not the burden of achild, and my...

Sex and menstruation

We women have quite a few hormonal challenges during the month. Sometimes that is fun, sometimes not at all! Sex during menstruation: many women don’t even want to think about it, many men even...


We will start this blog with the definition of: Fetishism or Fetish. This can refer to Fetishism (anthropology). This is the belief that natural objects have supernatural powers. Sexual fetishism or o...

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